Aloha E Komo Mai
Aloha E Komo Mai

Aloha E Komo Mai
Aloha E Komo Mai
John Martin was born and raised in Hawaii and has been a boat builder for more than 40 years; building crafts ranging from commercial fishing boats to surf skis and now OC1 and OC2 outrigger canoes.
In 1990 John Martin designed a one-man outrigger canoe, the OC1 for rough water, the first production model of its kind.
In 1991, he began building outrigger canoes, OC1 and OC2. The sport took off and John has been building outrigger canoes ever since.
Hawaiian Designs manufactures performance outrigger canoes
in one (OC1) and two-person (OC2) models.
Our company is comprised of family members, neighbors, and paddling friends.
Our goal is to offer the highest quality canoes and the best customer service possible.
It is our belief that unless you are comfortable in our OC1 or OC2 outrigger canoe, you will never fully enjoy or utilize the product. That's why we like to make each of our outrigger canoes available for demos, whenever possible.
Please contact us at Hawaiian Designs to try out our canoes.
OC1 & OC2 Outrigger Canoes - by John Martin
46-026 Alaloa Street, Ste. C Kaneohe, HI 96744 Cell: (808) 371-6202 Shop: (808) 235-5197
OC1 & OC2 Outrigger Canoes - Hawaiian Designs by John Martin
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